
We match buyers and sellers with qualified short sale agents, for free.

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How it works

First, our team of experts at Agent Short Sale works directly with you to make sure a short sale is the right option for you financially. If you determine a short sale is the right choice, then your Agent Short Sale agent will reach out to your lender and begin putting together a proposal.

Second, we list your property. Because Agent Short Sale is an ancillary of real estate industry leader Agent Inc., we have access to engaging marketing and advertising strategies designed to attract potential buyers in a short period of time, giving you peace of mind.

Once your Agent Short Sale agent has negotiated an agreement with the buyer, the lender reviews the contract. If the buyer agrees to the lender’s terms, the property closes, and the lender releases you from your mortgage loan, allowing to you move on towards a brighter financial future.

Tell Us What Your Looking For
The entire Agent Short Sale team of real estate experts is here to assess your financial position and guide you in the right direction. Search short sales
We Do The Work
From lender negotiations to matching buyers and sellers, Agent Short Sale ensures a seamless, timely, and efficient experience. Learn more
You Meet Your Match
We pair you with a short sale expert that can help you through each stage of the process and ensure a smooth transaction. Meet the team

Why Choose a Short Sale?

Short Sale vs. Foreclosure

Short sales are typically the best option for owners struggling with or underwater in their mortgage payments.

In both short sales and foreclosures the property is lost, but a short sale only affects your credit for two years, while a foreclosure will affect your credit for seven years.

It’s also important to note that a homeowner who has gone through a short sale may be eligible to purchase another home immediately. In the case of a foreclosure, homeowners must typically wait a minimum of five years to purchase a new home.

Although a foreclosure allows you to essentially “walk away” from your home, it comes with dire financial and credit repercussions. A short sale can be a much better option for those who are not willing to sacrifice both their credit and financial future for a long period of time.

Also, many banks and government plans offer financial assistance for a short sale, but do not assist with foreclosures.

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Purchasing a Short Sale Home

Short sales are different for buyers—in a good way. Here’s why:

The market value of a short sale home is less than what is owed to the seller’s lender. Our brokers negotiate with the lender to accept a short payoff on the loan and forgive the remaining debt to the seller.

Keep in mind that completing a short sale purchase of a home can take as little as one month or up to six months. Agent Short Sale keeps our buyers continuously informed with all progress and negotiations, and works diligently to provide quick transactions.


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